An overview of the differences between Pop & delete method in solidity

An overview of the differences between Pop & delete method in solidity

Arrays in solidity works with different methods such as pop,push,length & delete and each one of these methods have their own peculiar function but their are some that performs the same function with just little variation or differences between them.

POP and delete method are both use for removing data from an array but there are some differences between these two. In this article we will look at what differentiate these two methods.


The POP and delete method are similar when working with array because the function behind their execution is to remove data, however the way data are being removed from an array when using these methods are quite different .

If you are using the POP method to remove data from an Array, it only removes the last data that was added to the list. This is not efficient enough in a case where by you want to remove a particular data, assuming in an array consisting of the following data [1,2,3,4,5] so data [4] is not valid and needs to be removed if you are making use of POP method you have to remove 5 before 4 and this takes a lot time in a situation where you are having a large data.

The delete method makes removal of data from an array quite a lot very easy without tampering with other data in the array, it removes the specify data from the list. Instead of removing 4 before 5 has seen above you can simply indicate 4 and then exclude it from the list. Delete method is more efficient and direct than the pop method.

Also when you remove a data from an array using POP method it reduces the length of the array this can be verified or checked by running the length method on the array , where as for delete method the length is not reduced the excluded data is being replaced with 0 and thus returning the same length when you execute the length method.


These are the two common differences between the two methods , Thanks for reading through..

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